Course curriculum

    1. Required Course Materials

    2. Terms & Conditions

    3. Cases You'll See

    4. Things you'll need for the Course

    1. Onsite Scheduling & Information

    2. Onsite: What to Bring & What to Leave at Home

    1. Muscle Charts with Notes

    2. Zone Charts with Muscles

    3. Coloring Sheets - Print, Color, & Bring to Class

    4. Equine Pain Scale Chart

    5. Visual Aid - Hoof Diagram 1

    6. Visual Aid- Hoof Diagram 2

    7. Visual Aid - Hoof Diagram 3

    1. Self Care- Protecting Your Hands

    2. Simple tips to get you started

    3. Safety Tips for Therapists: Halter Tips Pt.1

    4. Safety Tips for Therapists: Halter Tips pt. 2

    5. Safety Tips for Therapists: Working with Cross Ties

    6. Safety Tips for Therapists: Clean Workspace

    7. Safety Tips for Therapists: Working in Small Spaces

    8. Using Hay Nets During Massage

    9. Safe Working Positions

    10. Deciding What Pressure to Use

    1. Chapter 1 - Introduction to Physical Therapy for Horses

    2. Chapter 1 - Introduction to Physical Therapy for Horses pt.2

    3. Chapter 2 - Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System

    4. Chapter 3 - Biomechanics

    5. Chapter 3 - Biomechanics pt.2

    6. Chapter 3 - Biomechanics pt.3

    7. Chapter 3 - Biomechanics pt.4

    8. Chapter 3 - Biomechanics pt.5

    9. Chapter 3 - Biomechanics pt.6

    10. Chapter 3 - Biomechanics pt.7

    1. Quiz 1 - Learning the Fascia Lines

About this course

  • $1,100.00
  • 69 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Course Information

Putting this course together has been a challenge for me in a good way... I've worked with so many owners, students, and other professionals over the years... Sharing my techniques and experiences that have helped so many horses. My goal is to get you comfortable with discovering the root cause of issues, not just teach you a general massage routine. This is creating a unique routine for each horse you encounter. They are individuals and their compensation patterns will be your roadmap for how we do the work. This is Rehab-Focused Bodywork education.
As always there will be an online portion with textbook reading and testing, videos to watch, and coloring sheets to complete. Then you'll have 3 days of onsite training where I will help you develop your feel, spot compensation patterns, and begin the work. 
➡️ Our class sizes will be capped at 6 people, because I want you to get the individualized experience that you deserve. 
This course is designed to create solutions for problems in the performance horse. Techniques learned here will compliment course material from the Rehab Therapist Certification Course, but is its own independent study. 
Onsite training will cover:
- Functional Anatomy

- Therapist Safety 
- Zones of the Horse
- Fascia Lines
- How to do the Work 
- Combining Bodywork Techniques with Corrective Exercises
- Full Body Assessment
- Stretching
- Integrating Tools into Work
- Business Building Skills
- How to work with Veterinarians, Farriers, and other Therapists
- How to Market your Target Customer
- Maintenance for your Body

- Ethics & Scope of Practice

Scenarios We Will Cover:
- Working with Wounds, Scars, Injuries
- Working with Neurologic Horses & EPM
- Techniques for the Kissing Spine Horse
- Techniques for Soft Tissue Injuries & Bony Changes
- Working with Navicular Syndrome, Clubbed feet, NPA, Sidebone, Ringbone 
- Techniques for Hind Gut Release, Stifle Issues, Fibrotic Myopathy, Sacrum Imbalance
- Safety Tips for Difficult Horses
👉 Let's rehab some muscle together! You've asked for my secrets to success, I'm handing you the keys to my kingdom.... Delivering you almost 20 years of Bodywork experience into this online and onsite certification course. This course is open to anyone 18 & older. My teaching style is very simple and easy to follow. 
➡️ I want to speak TO YOU, NOT ABOVE YOU. 
This course features a super detailed online portion that is easy to learn, but has a ton of great information. Once you complete the Online portion, you may schedule your 3 days of Onsite training. This training can be paired with the Rehab Therapist Certification Training as well.

Our Onsite locations are listed on our Facebook page under the Events tab. We are constantly adding new dates and locations across the US, so make sure to check it often to see what dates are in your area. 
To complete the Online testing portion, you will need to purchase the following two books: "Physical Therapy for Horses" by Helle Katrine Kleven (easily found online) and Myofascial Kinetic Meridians booklet from Equus-Soma. Booklet can be found at:
Both the Online & Onsite portions must be completed to graduate the course and receive your certification. All payment plans must be complete to attend your onsite training. To schedule onsite training, please message us.


 ~ 2025 Dates ~
▪️ January 31 - February 2 - Roswell, NM

▪️ March 21-23 - Wayne, OK
▪️ April 4-6 - Glasgow, KY
▪️ April 25-27 - Crestview, FL
▪️ May 2-4 - Newbury, OH

▪️ May 12-14 - Wayne, OK
▪️ Sept. 5-7 Glasgow, KY
▪️ Oct. 17-19 Wayne, OK

▪️ Oct. 31- Nov. 2 - Glasgow, KY

~ 2026 Dates ~
▪️ Jan. 16-18 - Wickenburg, AZ

If we have enough interest in other areas, we can work on getting a host for that area.

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.